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Events celebrate 50 years of Powell River Villa soccer

Opening Vancouver Island Soccer League weekend a time to remember history, look into the future

On September 9, 1973, Powell River Villa took the field as a Vancouver Island Soccer League (VISL) team for the first time, and on the same day in 2023, the club will open its 50th anniversary season at home against Comox Valley United.

To celebrate 50 years, the team is hosting a variety of events for the weekend, including an open house and an alumni game.

“We start Friday night with a meet-and-greet at the Soccer Clubhouse across from the Timberlane Field,” said Dave McLennan, Villa’s president. “Many people are interested in seeing some of the trophies and photographs we have displayed at the facility, so we’re opening the doors to host a social for alumni players and supporters.”

The social begins at 6:30 pm on Friday, September 8, and there is no cost to attend.

An additional display of Villa photographs and artifacts is on display at qathet Museum and Archives until the end of September. The museum, located at 4790 Marine Avenue, is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm, and entry is by donation.

“Then on Saturday, September 9, we’ll have a bigger concession with food and beverages available not only for the home opener, but also for the Villa alumni game,” said McLennan. “The Alumni game starts at 10:30 am at Timberlane Park, and we’ll have two teams of people who have played for Villa in the past competing against each other. We’ve had retro jerseys printed for the teams, and if there are any extras, they will be available for purchase by fans and supporters.”

The alumni game, which is free to attend, precedes Villa’s home opener at 1:30 pm; tickets for the home opener will be available at the gate, and are $5 for the game or $40 for a season’s pass. A 50th anniversary program will also be available at the game, and includes articles about the history of Villa through the decades.

Following the game, Villa will host a dinner for alumni and VIPs at the Carlson Community Club, including newly elected VISL president Paul Waller, who will travel from Victoria with other members of the league executive and staff to attend the game and celebrations.

“I want to congratulate Powell River Villa on reaching 50 years in the Vancouver Island Soccer League,” said Waller. “Geography-wise, there are challenges for Powell River to participate in the league. The commitment, desire and passion of the players and others involved is so admirable, and we want to celebrate that as well as look into the future.

“Our new board was elected to reform the league and make it more team and player friendly. We’re not coming to Powell River just to celebrate the team’s 50th anniversary. We want to learn more about the challenges faced by northern teams, and we want to collaborate on ideas to mitigate those challenges.”

Waller, who has played and managed for Vic West FC for many years, has never played in Powell River and is looking forward to his first trip to Timberlane.

“We want to grow the league, and we’ve made a good start by signing up 10 additional teams over last year, many of them at the U21 level,” he said. “We’d love to hear from the soccer community in Powell River what it would take to have more local teams taking part in the league. My first focus is, of course, on enjoying the day with everyone, but let’s also work together to create the best league in the future, including for those who aren’t in the Greater Victoria region.”

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