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In memoriam: Richard Beaton

September 10, 1973 - February 25, 2025

A celebration of Richard's life will be held April 12 at 1 pm at the Jean Pike Centre, 7055 Alberni Street, Powell River.

Richard left us to be with His Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on February 25, 2025. He left the bonds of this world with gusto as he hugged and high-fived everyone in sight at the qathet General Hospital's Emergency Ward, offering his thanks and dashing to the waiting car. He wasn't back at home but for a few minutes when he swirled around and dropped to the floor in his room; his big heart finally gave out as it was meant to.

“Good job, Richard. With Down syndrome, you lived a few more years than expected and we are thankful for that time.”

Richard was predeceased by his mom, Fern, early on. He is survived by his dad Owen, stepmom Diane, brother Steven (Elena), sister Lisa (Brad), brother James (Tawnya), brother Shane and brother David, and many nieces and nephews.

Richard was born and raised in Prince George, BC, with his mom and brothers Steven and Shane. At two years old he became part of a much bigger family when his dad remarried. Before long Richard would be part of a family with five  kids. Family holidays were camping out in the forestry sites and longer trips to the coast.

Richard visited Disneyland and went to Hawaii. He loved to swim but we knew he always had one eye out for the hot-dog stands on the beach.

Richard was an avid bowler from a young age, did horseback riding, bocce, swimming and took endless trips to the library. He worked here and there over the years, cleaning floors in a pub; delivering newspapers; and various other jobs.

Richard was always helpful to the end, cleaning off the table after supper, picking up the dishes, making coffee, et cetera. He volunteered with the Salvation Army on numerous occasions handing out candy canes to our homeless folks at Christmas in Vancouver and manning the kettles in Powell River. And he was a great guy to have along with the little kids – he watched out for them more than protecting himself.

Richard leaves a lasting legacy for the whole world with his brain donation for Alzheimer's research at the University of Denver, Colorado. Richard would have been proud to know about this. We may finally find out what he was thinking all along!

A big thank-you to the wonderful Inclusion staff who stuck by us all along. We are eternally grateful to you all. Our Powell River paramedics were sensitive and caring; qathet General Hospital staff, nurses and the on-call doctors also receive a vote of thanks for how you interacted with Richard on his visits leading up to February 25.

“Richard, you will be missed.”