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You can help a puppy hit by car and left injured on B.C. highway

Poor Fender was left on the side of the road with a fractured leg and pelvis
At the tender age of 6 months, Fender nearly said goodbye to the world as he was left stranded with a fractured leg.

The BC SPCA is asking for help for a young dog that was struck by a car and left on the side of a highway.

At the tender age of 6 months, Fender nearly said goodbye to the world as he was left stranded with a fractured leg, pelvis and femoral head. Fortunately, a good samaritan picked him up and delivered him to the animal shelter.

The poor pup needs orthopaedic surgery to repair his leg and put in a plate. In addition, he’ll need 8 weeks of bandages, cast changes and physical therapy.

While the owner was found, they relinquished him to the SPCA. With that in mind, the pointer/heeler cross is a very friendly, sweet puppy, despite being in immeasurable pain. As such, the SPCA is confident he’ll make the most amazing companion once he is healthy enough to be adopted.

Fender’s goal is set at $9,540.00. You can donate here. The SPCA also has a number of animals that require emergency medical treatments and surgeries. You can learn more and donate here.

Goal includes: surgery, medication, vaccinations, regular health check, and daily care for Fender until he’s ready for adoption. If his medical costs and cost of care is less than is raised in his name, additional funds will provide care for other animals.