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Wildlife calendar features images from qathet photographers

Funds raised help volunteer run Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society
Swans and ducks congregating at Cranberry Lake earlier this month.

Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society (PROWLS) still has a few of its 2025 calendars available, featuring images of animals in the qathet region.

"The February photo of swans in flight is just lovely," stated the PROWLS team. "As you turn the page each month you will enjoy the beautiful images of wildlife that have passed through the doors of PROWLS, donated by local photographers Ken and Kathie Prichard."

The sale of the calendar acts as a fundraiser for the animal rescue centre, which is volunteer run.

To acquire a calendar, call PROWLS founder Merrilee Prior at 604.483.9787 and the team will deliver one to your home or office. 

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