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What is a reverse mortgage?

Ask an Expert: Cait Holmes

A reverse mortgage is a financial product available to homeowners in Canada over the age of 55. It allows these homeowners to borrow money using the equity in their home as collateral, without having to make monthly mortgage payments.

Instead of making payments to the lender, the lender makes payments to the borrower. These payments can be made in the form of a lump sum, a line of credit or regular payments. The borrower is not required to pay back the loan until they sell the home, move out permanently or pass away.

There are several benefits to a reverse mortgage for Canadian homeowners. First, it allows them to tap into the equity they have built up in their home without having to sell it or take on a traditional mortgage with monthly payments. This can provide a source of income for homeowners who are retired or otherwise on a fixed income.

Second, a reverse mortgage can provide financial security for homeowners. It can be used to pay for unexpected expenses, such as home repairs or medical bills, or to fund a comfortable retirement.

The borrower is still responsible for paying property taxes, insurance and maintenance on the home.

Additionally, the interest on a reverse mortgage is typically slightly higher than on a traditional mortgage as it takes into account the rate of appreciation of property value.

It is important for homeowners to carefully consider whether a reverse mortgage is right for them. They should seek the advice of a financial advisor or mortgage broker and carefully review all the terms and conditions of the loan before proceeding.

Overall, a reverse mortgage can be a useful financial tool for Canadian homeowners over the age of 55 who are looking for a source of income or financial.

Cait Holmes is a mortgage broker in the qathet region.

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