City of Powell River Council held a rise and report at its January 23 meeting for four items that had been discussed in camera.
The first item was the proposal for a temporary shelter location at 7104 Barnet Street. It was stated at the council meeting that during a closed special council meeting that same day, council resolved staff be directed to communicate to BC Housing that city council supports locating a temporary shelter, and future permanent affordable housing, through the provincial community housing fund, at 7104 Barnet Street, and that council direct staff to communicate to BC Housing that it may begin preliminary site investigations to determine whether it is feasible to establish a temporary shelter and future permanent affordable housing at this location.
The second item was the visitor information services contract award. At the July 30, 2024, closed council meeting, council resolved that staff be directed to enter into a four-year service agreement commencing January 1, 2025, with Tourism Powell River for the provision of visitor information services in the city.
Additionally, it was reported that the city’s five-year financial plan bylaw 2742, 2024 be amended accordingly, and that council acknowledge that the city will continue to pay $28,000 a year to Sunshine Coast Tourism as the destination marketing organization until July 31, 2026.
The mid-level connector multiuse pathway request for proposals contract has been awarded. At the January 23 closed meeting, council resolved that the mid-level connector multiuse pathway contract be awarded to 0813188 BC Ltd, doing business as MIB Excavating, in the amount of $1,147,851.10, plus GST.
Finally, the appointment of an interim corporate officer was announced. At the January 23 closed meeting, council resolved that Stephen Fleming be appointed as the interim corporate officer for the city.
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