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Status quo for urban chickens

Council decides not to amend animal control bylaw

City of Powell River council will not be taking any action to change the animal control bylaw amendment that allows residents to keep poultry in their yards.

In December 2012, council gave final approval to an animal control bylaw amendment that authorizes the keeping of poultry in most single family residential lots. In April, Conservation Officer Gerry Lister asked council to amend the animal control bylaw by including specific construction standards for coop construction. He also asked council to amend the zoning bylaw to allow electric fences in residential areas.

Carlos Felipe, director of planning services, recommended that council not introduce any further amendments at this time and instruct staff to monitor the implementation of the bylaw.

“I did some research on electric fences and not everybody is as optimistic about electric fences not causing any damage,” he said. “What I read specifically that impacted me was if a child touches an electric fence and falls back, nothing serious happens other than the pain. If a child touches an electric fence and falls forward, for whatever reason, we have a problem.”

Councillor Maggie Hathaway said she agreed with Felipe that council should “let it play out and see how it goes. If there isn’t a problem, what are we trying to solve?”

Felipe also said he hasn’t received one inquiry since council passed the bylaw.

Marie Claxton, city clerk, said that bylaw enforcement has had at most three calls since the bylaw amendment was adopted. “That’s mostly been about where can I have them, how many can I have,” she said. “There was one concern about a rooster and I think it was noise and there was one concern about smell. There have been no complaints.”

Staff will continue to monitor the situation, as well as provide a brochure outlining coop construction standards.