Royal Canadian Legion Branch 164 - Powell River in Westview was struck by graffiti last Friday night while patrons and staff were busy inside working and/or enjoying games and/or karaoke.
Legion office manager Heather Mcknight said Fridays are usually quite busy with patrons and that the graffiti most likely happened Friday, June 7, between 4 and 8 pm.
"There are no cameras in the area," said Mcknight. "Friday is our busiest night."
Mcknight said they are waiting for their maintenance person to come out and take a look, but that the legion will probably have to buy paint. Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to contact the Branch 164 office with details at 604.485.4870.
This isn't the only incident of graffiti and/or vandalism observed in the qathet region. The Peak reported that Powell River RCMP received information on May 11, 2024, about racist and violent graffiti that had been found on a school building at James Thomson Elementary School in Wildwood. Two days earlier, on May 9, police received a report of similar graffiti that had been found in the lobby elevator just outside Powell River Public Library in Westview.
City of Powell River's Willingdon beach trail has been hit with graffiti before, which is still visible, but in the past couple months red, blue, pink and black spray-paint scrawls began to appear on trees and logs at Second Beach, located off the Willingdon Beach trail before a bridge heading toward Townsite.
One tree at Second Beach was also carved out with the letter A and coloured in with red and blue spray paint.
The Peak has reached out to city’s parks, recreation and culture department and Powell River RCMP for comment.
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