Cranberry’s ratepayers have asked the city for status reports regarding a number of projects initiated in the lake zone.
Rolland Miller, chair of Cranberry Ratepayers’ Association, appeared before the city’s committee of the whole meeting, Tuesday, June 2, to provide a review of all of the projects that have been requested to the city and seek updates.
Miller said the first item, a rather important one, was the request made in 2014 to bring fresh water to Cranberry Lake during dry months. He said a simple solution was found at very little cost. It would involve providing a fresh water feeder line before and adjacent to the new Haslam Lake reservoir. The feeder line would run 100 metres southeast to a stream that flows to Cranberry Lake. It would be simple to run a pipe or a ditch from the reservoir to the creek, according to Miller.
The second item is the three-way stop at Marlatt Avenue and Cranberry Street. Miller said residents observed there were meters put at the intersection in May to check the traffic flow. He said the residents hadn’t heard anything about the results.
The third item was the request for reduced speed on Cranberry Street from DA Evans Park, along to the Church Street intersection on Manson Avenue. He said there is significant pedestrian traffic in several areas along that corridor.
The ratepayers had made a request in 2014 for a fishing float on Cranberry Lake at the foot of Marlatt Mountain and Miller was wondering about its status.
Also in 2015 there had been a request to open up the Cranberry Lake waterfront at the foot of Gilbert and Tatlow streets.
The final item of concern was really important, Miller said. It involves the trees removed at Cassiar Street and Manson Avenue. The problem trees were taken down but there is no sidewalk, according to Miller. He said he was bringing it to the committee’s attention because the matter needs to be dealt with.
Councillor Russell Brewer, committee of the whole chair, said in looking at Miller’s list, there are a number of items that are tied up in existing city initiatives.
Councillor Karen Skadsheim said regarding Cranberry Lake, she wondered if the ratepayers had been in touch with the Cranberry Lake Preservation Society over shared concerns.
Miller said he hasn’t been involved with the society, but if it has anything to say, it can talk with the ratepayers.