Powell River Regional District’s committee of the whole has sanctioned federal grant applications to refurbish and upgrade Savary Island dock and Palm Beach tennis court.
At the Thursday, June 11, committee meeting, regional directors were asked to consider the applications under deadline pressure.
The Savary Island dock proposal is to submit an application for $423,000. For the Palm Beach tennis court, the estimated cost is $41,857.
Al Radke, the regional district’s chief administrative officer, said Western Economic Diversification has just announced the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program. He said the application deadline is fast approaching so staff identified the Savary Island and Palm Beach projects that are on the shelf and ready for submission.
Radke said because the regional board could not pass the resolution until the end of the month, and the applications have to be in by mid-June, a letter under the chair’s signature would be sent along, with the applications to provide some leverage and then the regional district could send the board resolution at the end of the month.
The regional district has been advised by Western Economic Diversification to send the letter, indicating that while the regional board had not given approval by the submission deadline, that it would be given at the board meeting on June 25.
The committee carried motions for the recommendations that the Savary Island and Palm Beach upgrades by submitted to the grant program, and also authorized Patrick Brabazon board chair, or his delegate, to author two letters to be submitted with the grant application, confirming the board’s authorization of the projects and of its commitment to allocate funds for any costs that are not covered by the respective grants.
The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program is part of Canada 150 Celebrates, the Government of Canada’s celebration of the country’s 150th anniversary. The program will invest $150 million over two years to support projects that rehabilitate existing community facilities across Canada.