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Regional Board Briefs: March 23, 2011

Concrete plant Powell River Regional District directors passed a motion to advise the ministry of natural resource operations that the regional district does not support an amendment to an existing aggregate and quarry licence for a gravel pit north

Concrete plant

Powell River Regional District directors passed a motion to advise the ministry of natural resource operations that the regional district does not support an amendment to an existing aggregate and quarry licence for a gravel pit north of Stevenson Road, operated by Stephens Developments Ltd., to allow a proposed concrete batch plant. The proposal is inconsistent with the permitted use provisions of the southern regional district official community plan’s definition of the reserve designation.

Shelter Point

Directors awarded a contract to operate the Shelter Point Park concession for 2011 to Agnes Childress and Gerald and Georgean Childress for a bid price of $4,000, plus HST.

Bear aware

Directors agreed to submit an application for a $2,000 seed grant to Powell River’s Bear Aware program and to contribute $750 in cash and an equivalent in-kind contribution to offset costs for advertising, printing, booth rentals and displays for community events, gas reimbursement and incidentals.

Lund windows

Directors voted to accept the proposal from Joe Huetzelmann and Company to replace the Lund Community Centre windows and two exterior doors at a cost of $32,986, including HST.

Padgett Road

Directors passed a motion to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the regional district has no objection to the subdivision of an 8.4 hectare section of a property west of Padgett Road from the remainder of the district lot subject to the establishment of a restrictive covenant to protect Myrtle Creek, which would prohibit the removal of vegetation or the construction of any buildings or structures within 30 metres of the high water mark.


Directors voted to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the regional district has no objection to the subdivision of a property on the corner of Nassichuk Road and Heddle Road into two parcels of 1.4 hectares and 5.3 hectares.