Board appoints
Powell River Regional District board of directors appointed Pat Christie as chief elections officer and Brenda Paquin and Melinda Auerbach as deputy chief elections officers for the 2011 regional district elections. The board authorized regional district administration of the November elections for Lasqueti Island local trust, School District 69, School District 47 and Sechelt Indian Government District, as requested and on a cost-recovery basis. The board authorized retaining Christie to carry out the 2011 local general election for a flat fee of $5,000.
Directors voted to provide financial assistance to the following organizations: Texada Sandcastle Committee, $500 from Electoral Area D; Texada Arts, Culture and Tourism, $250 from Electoral Area D to assist with Run the Rock Marathon; and BC SPCA’s Paws for a Cause, seven days free camping at either Shelter Point or Haywire Bay park campsites.
Gravel pit
Directors passed a motion to advise the ministry of forests, lands and natural resource operations that the regional district opposes any eastward expansion of a sand and gravel quarry operation on District Lot 6173 due to negative impacts on Southill Acres residents. Should the provincial government approve any expansion, the motion states the development should be subject to the following conditions: retention of a 100-metre treed buffer along the eastern boundary; completion of berms constructed for sound suppression; establishment of a monitoring system to ensure the operation does not negatively impact the aquifer; and that no contaminated materials be deposited on site for backfill or any other purpose.
Savary subdivision
Directors voted to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the regional district supports the consolidation of two lots on Savary Island into one lot. However, the regional district refuses the plan of proposed strata conversion of the existing occupied dwelling units on the basis that it contradicts the residential density provisions of the Savary Island official community plan.
Directors adopted an amendment to the parks regulation bylaw that increases the regular off-season camping fee at Shelter Point Park on Texada Island to $16 per unit per night.