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Regional Board Briefs: April 8, 2015

Directors name representative to AVICC Powell River Regional District board recently ratified the recommendation of the committee of the whole to nominate Colin Palmer as a member at large for the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communiti

Directors name representative to AVICC

Powell River Regional District board recently ratified the recommendation of the committee of the whole to nominate Colin Palmer as a member at large for the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities for 2015-2016.

Approves expenditure

Regional directors voted to authorize travel expenses associated with scheduled meetings in 2015 of the coastal regional district chairs group in advocating for an affordable ferry system with the provincial government.

Rejects proposal

Regional directors agreed with a recommendation from the committee of the whole that the board decline the proposal submitted for a Texada Island cable ferry system and that confirmation be sent to the proponent.

Pays expenses

A recommendation from rural services committee that the regional board authorize interested directors and the chief administrative officer to attend the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Conference to be held in Courtenay on April 10 to 12, 2015, and that all reasonable expenses be paid, was carried.

Waives fees

The regional district board has concurred with the recommendation of the rural services committee to waive the airport passenger fees to KD Air, and that Bylaw No. 114 be reviewed by administration to propose changes that reflect current practices. The board also carried a recommendation that it rescind Bylaw 114 and develop a new policy and/or bylaw.

Explores change

Regarding the Texada Island Gillies Bay airport, regional directors carried a recommendation from their rural services committee that the board further explore the transition of Texada Island Airport to an airpark operating model.

Keeps coverage

The regional district board carried a recommendation from rural services committee that it maintain its current airport insurance coverage.

Supports trail

A motion that the board concur with the recommendation of the planning committee, to advise the Recreation Sites and Trails Branch of the ministry of forests, lands and natural resource operations that the regional district supports the issuance of a Section 57 authorization under the Forest and Range Practices Act for a one-kilometre trail, located on Crown land near the south end of Haslam Lake, to the Powell River Cycling Association, was carried.

Supports application

An application for a licence of occupation, District Lot 3782, Sarah Point, by Rogers Communication Inc., was given consideration by the regional district board. There was a recommendation by the planning committee to advise FrontCounter BC that the regional district has no objection to the application submitted by Rogers Communication Inc. for a 30-year licence of occupation over a 0.33 hectare area for electrical power line purposes to service an existing telecommunication site located on DL 3782 in the vicinity of Sarah Point in Electoral Area A.

Agrees to subdivision

Approval has been given for a subdivision application, District Lot 29, Texada Island, at Spectacle Lake Road. The regional district board agreed with the recommendation of the planning committee to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the board supports the four-lot conventional subdivision of an 18-hectare property located along Spectacle Lake Road on Texada Island, legally described as Lot 3, Plan BCP43885, DL 29, Texada Island Land District, as per the subdivision plan dated August 8, 2014. The regional district stipulated the following conditions: the applicant enter into restrictive covenants with the regional district over all proposed parcels that will limit the number of dwelling units to one per parcel; the applicant obtain a development permit from the regional district; and that the 10 per cent frontage requirement as per Section 944 of the Local Government Act be waived for proposed Lot D.

Consolidates property

The regional district board voted to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that it supports the two-lot conventional subdivision of properties located on Central Road on Texada Island that will consolidate the property legally described as Lot 3, Plan LMP27369, District Lot 6, Texada Island Land District with a triangular portion of District Lot 460, Texada Island Land District. This is subject to the applicants entering into restrictive covenants with the regional district to protect all applicable watercourses within the properties in accordance with the Riparian Areas Regulation.

Sets condition

Consideration has been given to a recommendation from the planning committee that the regional board advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that it supports the two-lot conventional subdivision of a 7.5 hectare property located off Dolmage Road in Electoral Area C, legally described as Block A, Plan 10782, DL 4411, Group 1, NWD, as per the subdivision plan dated November 19, 2014. Approval was given on the condition that proposed lot one is serviced by a water supply system approved by Vancouver Coastal Health.

Enters covenant

The regional board concurs with the recommendation of the planning committee to advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that it supports the six-lot conventional subdivision of a 4.3 hectare property located off Highway 101 in Electoral Area B near Pebble Beach, legally described as Lot D, Except Plan LMP10242, DL 1499, Plan 8958, Group 1, NWD, as per the subdivision plan dated November 20, 2014. Several conditions were stipulated: each of the proposed parcels that are smaller than one hectare in area are serviced by a water supply system approved by Vancouver Coastal Health; the applicant obtain a development permit from the regional district; the applicant enter into a restrictive covenant with the regional district to protect those portions of Myrtle Creek that run through proposed lots one, two and four in accordance with the Riparian Areas Regulation; the applicant enter into a restrictive covenant with the regional district over proposed lots four, five and six that restricts any further clearing, alteration or development of the waterfront within 30 metres of the natural boundary of the sea; the applicant provide the regional district with funds in lieu of parkland dedication in accordance with Section 941 of the Local Government Act; that the 10 per cent frontage requirement as per Section 44 of the Local Government Act be waived for proposed lots four and five.

Supplies signage funds

Powell River Regional District has agreed to transfer $50,000 of Community Works Funds to Tourism Powell River for signage renewal.

Studies hazards

Application for funds has been approved for a geotechnical hazards study. The regional district carried a recommendation that the board concur with the recommendation of the committee of the whole to approve an application to the ministry of community and rural development for an Infrastructure Planning Grant to offset the estimated $44,700 cost for a geotechnical hazards study for Electoral Areas B and C.