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Regional Board Briefs: April 15, 2015

Regional district agrees to fund trails Powell River Regional District has approved a recommendation from the committee of the whole to approve financial assistance in the amount of $10,000 to Powell River Outdoor Recreation Trails Society to assist

Regional district agrees to fund trails

Powell River Regional District has approved a recommendation from the committee of the whole to approve financial assistance in the amount of $10,000 to Powell River Outdoor Recreation Trails Society to assist the organization in carrying out maintenance and upgrade initiatives on the region’s recreation trails.

At the regional district’s board meeting on Thursday, March 26, directors voted unanimously that the funds be allocated from the regional parks service, which were originally allocated to the Goat 2 Recreational Trail partnership with the province that is not going forward. The funds are also being allocated on the condition that the society enters into an agreement with the regional district on the intended use of the funds.

Helps activities

Powell River Historical Museum and Archives Society will receive $38,423 from the regional district. The board authorized financial assistance to the society to assist the organization in its ongoing activities for 2015. The funds will be allocated through the general grant-in-aid account.

Names representative

The regional board voted to appoint Colin Palmer, Electoral Area C director, as its representative on the Powell River Food Security Project, and that a meeting allowance be approved


There will be a public engagement and consultation workshop for the regional district. The regional board concurred with the recommendation from the committee of the whole to approve the engagement of Jan Enns Communications to provide the workshop for $4,500 plus travel, accommodation and per diem. The workshop will take place on June 2, 3 or 4, 2015.

Assists event

For the annual Trash Bash, the regional district unanimously approved the addition of the restricted items list from residents to the free tipping concept of the trash bash; and that the board propose to share the cost of the estimated $8,000 to advertise, create posters, provide catering, pay army cadet donation and wages for the event.

Earth Week support

The regional board concurred with the recommendation of the rural services committee to approve financial assistance in the amount of $885 to Powell River Earth Week “Bee the Change” Pollinator Project, and that the funding be allocated equally from electoral areas A to D grant-in-aid accounts.

Savary grant

Savary Island Land Trust Society will receive financial assistance in the amount of $2,500 to assist it with various summer events on Savary Island. The grant will be allocated from the Electoral Area A grant-in-aid account.

Denies money

The regional district board concurred with the recommendation of the rural services committee to deny financial assistance in the amount of $7,500 to the Sutherland Beach Trail Volunteer Group.

Funds for antenna

The regional board unanimously concurred with the recommendation of the rural services committee to approve financial assistance in the amount of $3,000 to Powell River Community Radio Society to assist it in replacing and relocating its antenna. The grant will be allocated from the electoral areas A to D grant-in-aid accounts.

Cultural funds

Texada Arts, Culture and Tourism Society will receive financial assistance in the amount of $10,000 from the regional district to assist it in carrying out several cultural events on Texada Island in 2015. The funds will be allocated from the Electoral Area D grant-in-aid account.

Fair enough

Powell River Sea Fair Society will receive $1,500 from the regional district to assist it with the 2015 event. The grant is allocated from the electoral areas A to D grant-in-aid accounts.

Helps relocate

For the Lasqueti Island Recycle Centre relocation, the regional district voted unanimously to concur with the recommendation of the rural services committee to approve the allocation of $200,000 from the Community Works Fund toward the relocation.

Shares costs

Approval has been given by the regional board to participate on the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Special Committee on Solid Waste Management. Director  Stan Gisborne, Electoral Area B, has been named the regional district’s representative and City Director CaroleAnn Leishman has been named the alternate. The regional board also approved an allocation of $4,000 to be included in the budget for initiative cost sharing.