City of Powell River staff are coping with an outbreak of tent caterpillars, but they are focusing on city-owned property.
According to a press release, the parks department is aware of the outbreak and is prioritizing treatment of affected areas, taking steps to protect the city’s young trees and rose gardens. “Parks staff are unable to respond to every public complaint in this regard,” the release states.
The recommended treatment for the caterpillars is to cut out the infected area, the statement continues. “If cutting out the area isn’t an option, local garden supply outlets carry products that treat the infestation. The City of Powell River uses a product that contains bacillus thuringiensis, a commonly found soil bacteria that is harmless to humans but effective in controlling the caterpillars.”
Parks staff advise that the caterpillars are a cycle and “we are likely at the peak of the cycle.”
Transportation plan
Powell River Regional District directors are poised to award a contract to ISL Engineering and Land Services to complete a regional transportation plan.
The plan will provide a long-term blueprint of the region’s transportation system that will enhance regional mobility of people and freight, expand the range of accessible and affordable transportation options and support regional sustainability.
Funding for the project, estimated at $120,000, is coming from the community works fund.
A recommendation from staff to award the contract is expected to be on the agenda for the May 23 board meeting.