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qRD director wants study into volunteer fire departments

Service review proposed at qathet Regional District finance committee meeting
REQUESTS INFORMATION: qathet Regional District Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne wants a service review for the regional district’s volunteer fire departments, but the finance committee recommended that the regional board request a staff report into the matter.

A proposed service review of the qathet Regional District’s (qRD) volunteer fire departments has been recommended to be referred to staff for a report regarding the cost and other implications of such a review.

At the September 4 regional district finance committee, Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne brought forward his notice of motion for an informal service review of the Malaspina, Northside, Lasqueti and Savary Island volunteer fire departments.

Gisborne’s notice of motion proposed establishing a steering committee for the purpose of executing the service review and that it be conducted by a third-party independent investigator, working with a steering committee and reporting directly to the regional board. The proposal also included that the service review cover policy changes, workplace culture and the impacts on mental health, as well as recruitment and retention.

Electoral Area D director Sandy McCormick said her question to Gisborne is: had he determined how much a service review will cost, and how it would be budgeted?

Gisborne said it depends on a number of factors. He said his motion involved a third-party investigator to work with the regional district and board. He said looking at the Malaspina Volunteer Fire Department, there is a budget change of $50,000 for legal fees and he would be happy to put another $50,000 to have the service review conducted.

“There will be a cost associated with the service review and it is borne by the participants,” said Gisborne. “This, in my mind, is very relevant to the Malaspina Volunteer Fire Department, but I also included Northside and Savary Island. If it’s not of value to those fire departments, I would be happy to narrow the scope to just the Malaspina department.

McCormick said she had no idea of what a service review would cost and wondered if ratepayers in the respective areas would be willing to pay for that.

Manager of emergency services Ryan Thoms said cost was dependent on how broad a review the regional district would be looking at. He said he hadn’t seen the notice of motion prior to its coming forward at the finance committee.

“It’s been 12 years since qRD did a comprehensive fire services review, so the numbers would be out of date,” said Thoms. “It’s something we could look at.”

Electoral Area C director and board chair Clay Brander said he wondered what the problem is that would initiate a service review.

“I have to have an issue in front of me before I could ever vote in favour,” said Brander.

Gisborne said traditionally, regional boards have been reluctant to undertake service reviews. He said, however, they can be beneficial. He said identifying the list of problems would be part of the service review.

Electoral Area A director Jason Lennox said he had his own opinion on whether the Northside and Savary Island fire departments needed to be part of a service review.

McCormick said she wanted to make a motion to refer the matter to staff for a report regarding the cost and other implications of doing a fire service review.

Gisborne said he was wondering about the timeline for the report. He said he could initiate a service review for the Malaspina Volunteer Fire Department by sending a letter to the province. If the board wanted to do a service review for Malaspina, and there is nothing in the budget, it could come out of the following year’s budget cycle, he added.

“I’m okay referring this to staff bult I would like more of a commitment that you think this is valuable,” said Gisborne.

Thoms said he could probably guarantee the report by November.

Brander said he would not be supporting the motion to refer to staff because a need for the review had not been identified to his satisfaction.

The committee voted to recommend that the board initiate an informal service review of the regional district’s fire departments, with Brander opposed.

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