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qathet Regional District secures grant for recreation centre in Lund

“This new addition will provide a hub for Lund and the surrounding community members to host concerts, plays and sporting activities closer to home, year-round.” ~ qathet Regional District Electoral Area A director Patrick Brabazon
qathet Regional District board chair and Electoral Area A director Patrick Brabazon.

qathet Regional District (qRD) has announced success in securing grant funding up to $4,199,082 through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure stream to construct an attached addition to the Northside Community Recreation Centre, located at 9656 Larson Road.

The program is funded by the Government of Canada and Province of British Columbia.

According to a media release from qRD, the new addition will provide an additional 6,920 square footage of shared program space, which includes a half-court gymnasium, stage, accessible washrooms and reception area, as well as an updated commercial kitchen within the existing building. The facility will be fully accessible to pedestrians, wheelchairs and strollers.

“This addition to the Northside Community Recreation Centre is a win-win for the qathet Regional District and its residents,” stated Nicholas Simons, provincial minister of social development and poverty reduction. “Investments in infrastructure build vibrant communities and I’m excited to see this major addition become a reality.”

Based on a feasibility study, the new building is estimated to cost between $4 million and $5.7 million. qRD has planned that $569,184 of the northside recreation non-statutory reserve be used to help offset project costs.

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program stream runs on a cost-share basis with Canada and BC combining to contribute 73.33 per cent of the eligible project cost, and qRD required to contribute the remaining 26.67 per cent, plus any overruns, the release stated. To proceed with collecting the project funding, qRD will need to borrow up to $1.1 million from the Municipal Finance Authority of BC.

The northside recreation loan authorization bylaw, which is required in order to borrow funds for the project from the municipal finance authority, details the loan amounts, payments and term of the loan, the release stated. The bylaw is currently at third reading at the qRD board level and has received provincial statutory approval. Financing debt payments are proposed over a 30-year period to minimize the annual impact on residential tax rates.

Pending final costing, which includes building construction and the amount of debt financing required, annual debt payments are projected between $34,000 and $69,000. The payments will result in an increase in the residential tax rate for all property owners within the northside recreation service area. The next step for the project and in accepting the funds will be for qRD to seek approval from the community to commit to borrowing up to $1.1 million.

“Thanks to the ongoing support from Tla’amin Nation, the Lund Community Society, and members of the public, a plan was developed to replace the old community hall gymnasium, which was lost to private ownership and deterioration,” stated regional board chair and Electoral Area A director Patrick Brabazon. “This new addition will provide a hub for Lund and the surrounding community members to host concerts, plays and sporting activities closer to home, year-round.”

For more information on the northside community recreation centre, go to