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qathet Regional District planning committee briefs

Postpones housing policy motion; Recommends lot exemption; Supports subdivision

Postpones motion
qathet Regional District (qRD) directors have postponed a motion to discuss floor area ratio and lot coverage ratio pertaining to official community plan density and housing policies.

At the May 1 planning committee, directors were provided a recommendation that a report on floor area ratio and lot coverage ratio be entered into the minutes and filed. Directors had questions pertaining to the report, but the author of the report was not available for comment, so the matter has been set over for a future meeting.

According to the staff report, qRD official community plans do not include policies to control density using floor space ratio, but instead, include density policies that use the buildings per hectare approach. qRD official community plans recommend limits on the number of dwellings or serviced buildings per parcel based on parcel size and proof of water and sewer servicing that meets provincial standards.

Grants exemption
The planning committee recommended to the regional board that qRD advise the provincial ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the regional district grants an exemption from the minimum frontage requirement of 10 per cent of the parcel perimeter for a proposed two-lot subdivision at 1956 Roberts Road. The subject parcel is 4.17 hectares in size, with both proposed new parcels measuring 2.09 hectares each.

The parcels do not meet the 10 per cent frontage rule established by the Local Government Act, but a staff report indicates the proposed parcels contain an adequate building envelope.

Supports subdivision
A recommendation will be made to the regional board that qRD advises the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that it supports a two-lot subdivision at 7791 Highway 101 in Electoral Area B, subject to proof of water and septic services on each of the proposed lots that meet provincial standards, and that the property owner enter into a covenant with qRD to restrict development on areas identified as potential slope hazard.

The existing parcel measures 4.44 hectares in size, with proposed lot one measure 3.47 hectares and proposed lot two measuring one hectare.

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