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qathet Regional District moves boardroom

Meetings will now be held upstairs at the current facility on Marine Avenue in Powell River
QUESTIONS PROCESS: qathet Regional District Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne took issue with the public notice process for amending the regional district’s procedure bylaw for the moving of the regional district boardroom from the ground floor to the second floor of 4675 Marine Avenue.

qathet Regional District’s next meetings on September 4 will be held in the regional district’s new boardroom at unit 201 – 4675 Marine Avenue in Powell River.

The current qRD boardroom is on the ground floor at 4675 Marine Avenue and the new, larger facility will be upstairs, adjacent to the regional district’s main office.

At the August 28 regional district board meeting, held on Texada Island, directors considered an amendment bylaw to the regional district’s board procedure bylaw to change the boardroom location. However, Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne took issue with the public notice process to let the public know about the boardroom move.

“I’m a little confused, procedurally,” said Gisborne. “My understanding of our procedure bylaw is that the board gives first and second reading, then it goes for public notice. After public notice has been done, it goes for third reading and adoption.

“The staff report says public notice has already occurred and I guess that’s where I am confused. We have first, second and third readings and final adoption on the same day.”

Corporate officer Michelle Jones said the regional board could give three readings and final adoption to the bylaw on the same day.

Gisborne then said his understanding of public notice is that it is supposed to go in two consecutive newspapers, and he couldn’t find it in his copies of the Peak.

Communications advisor Shelley Termuende said the regional district met its requirement by advertising in the Peak, and the Parksville-Qualicum Beach News, as well. She said timelines were too tight to advertise in consecutive newspapers in Powell River. She said the public notice requirements had been covered.

“I find it a little odd,” said Gisborne. “I’m fine with the change but I have a real concern about the process.”

Electoral Area C director and board chair Clay Brander said staff had investigated the proper procedure, so the board should move on with the bylaw.

City of Powell River director Cindy Elliott said that on September 4, notices could be posted on the downstairs office indicating the boardroom had moved.

The board carried a motion that the board approve the amendment to the regional district procedure bylaw to change the location of the boardroom, effective September 4. The board then gave first and second reading to the amendment bylaw.

On third reading, Gisborne said he was having issues with the public notice not having been in two consecutive issues of the same newspaper.

Electoral Area E director Andrew Fall said the legislation states that the obligation can be met by publication notice in more than one newspaper.

“It has been met and the public has been informed,” said Fall.

City director George Doubt said the change of location is not a small detail.

“An essential part of democracy is making sure that everyone who wants to attend knows exactly where the meetings are going to start,” said Doubt. “I would have liked to have seen this done maybe a few months ago, but we are doing it now.

“The fact is, the new boardroom is not very far away from the old boardroom. It’s in the same building, from one floor to another floor. We’ll put signage notices up on September 4 and we’ll be doing everything we can do to let people know.”

Third reading passed, with Gisborne opposed. The board then considered final adoption, which passed, with Gisborne opposed.

On September 4, the planning committee, finance committee and regional board will meet in the new upstairs boardroom.

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