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qathet Regional District briefs

Appoints auditors for 2024 to 2028; Supports Area A subdivision; Approves financial planning process

Auditors appointed
At the qathet Regional District committee of the whole meeting on July 24, the committee recommended that the board appoint the firm of MNP LLP as qRD’s and qathet Regional Hospital District’s auditors for the 2024 to 2028 fiscal years. According to a staff report, MNP has been the qRD’s auditors since 2019. Staff issued a request for proposals for professional audit service, and only MNP responded.

The MNP quote lists five per cent increases year-over-year for its services.

Electoral Area A director Jason Lennox asked if this was reasonable. Chief administrative officer Al Radke said based on past performance, it was reasonable. In 2024, if the regional board approves MNP, the cost will be $28,500.

Supports subdivision
At the regional board meeting, also on July 24, the board voted to advise the provincial ministry of transportation and infrastructure that qRD supports an eight-lot bare land strata subdivision application on property located on Roots Way in Electoral Area A.

The board made its approval subject to: proof of water and septic servicing on each of the proposed lots meeting provincial standards; the property owner contract a qualified environmental professional to complete a riparian area assessment report to ensure protection of any streamside protection identified in the report; the property owner provide qRD with cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of five per cent of the total land value.

Financial planning
The board has approved the qRD 2025 to 2029 financial planning process, with draft plans scheduled for December, January and February, with final budget adoption scheduled for February 2025.

Downloading report
The board will direct staff to produce a report to provide the board with information pertaining to the impact that various changes at senior levels of government have had on qRD operations and budgets over the past five years.

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