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qathet Regional District briefs

Myrtle Pond water service costs, subdivision support and increase in municipal solid waste tipping fee.
REGIONAL DISTRICT: The Myrtle Pond water capital inclusion charges reserve fund has been adopted by the regional board.

Increases fee

qathet Regional District (qRD) directors have increased the municipal solid waste tipping fee.

At the June 28 regional board meeting, directors approved an increase to $280 per tonne effective August 1. The current tipping fee is $250 per tonne. According to a staff report, this is $23 per tonne short of the direct cost that the qRD incurs for municipal solid waste handling, hauling and tipping at the landfill in Washington State.

The board also approved that the solid waste regulation and tipping fee bylaw be amended to change the maximum load weight application to the municipal solid waste minimum tipping fee charge to 26.786 kilograms. The current weight is 30 kilograms.

Approves report

The board has approved the 2023 report of directors’ remuneration, expenses and contracts. The total directors’ annual indemnity payments for 2023 were $172,141, which matched the 2023 budget with zero variance, according to a staff report. For other elements such as meetings and allowances, plus other expenses, the total cost for these items in 2023 amounted to $37,136, which meant underspending of $17,195 when compared to the budget of $54,331. According to the staff report, the total directors’ remuneration and expenses for 2023 was consistent with the 2023 budget and are also relatively consistent with the figures reported in 2022.

Include project

Staff will be directed to include the Savary Island wharf fire protection project in the proposed 2025 capital plan during the 2025 to 2029 financial plan deliberations. According to a staff report, the Savary Island wharf is the only dock serving the island community. The proposed project would improve fire protection for this qRD asset. The staff report indicated that should the board choose to proceed with the project, the minimum estimated cost is $120,000, with the understanding that archaeological obligations could result in higher costs.

Fund adopted

The Myrtle Pond water capital inclusion charges reserve fund establishment bylaw has been given three readings and adoption by the regional board. According to Electoral Area B director Mark Gisborne, in whose electoral district Myrtle Pond water service is located, the costs of everything keep going up. Capital inclusion charges collected for the Myrtle Pond water service shall be deposited in the Myrtle Pond water capital inclusion charges reserve fund, which shall be used only for capital costs of providing, constructing, altering or expanding the facilities.

Supports subdivision

The board will advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that the qRD supports the proposed two-lot subdivision for a property located at 8410 Emmonds Road, subject to proof of water and septic servicing that meets provincial standards, and that the property owner contract a qualified environmental professional to complete a riparian area assessment report to ensure protection of any streamside protection and enhancement areas.

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