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qathet Regional District briefs

Amends Haywire Bay budget for generator; Grants frontage exemption for subdivision; Adopts Myrtle Pond water system bylaw; Hears grants-in-aid request presentations

Buying generator
At the May 22 qathet Regional District board meeting, the regional board directed staff to amend the 2024 Haywire Bay Regional Park budget to include a budget of $18,000 for the purchase and installation of a generator. The purchase will be funded from the non-statutory reserve for the regional parks service. The amendment will be incorporated into a budget amendment bylaw to be forwarded to a future finance committee meeting.

Grants exemption
The regional district will advise the ministry of transportation and infrastructure that qRD grants an exemption from the minimum frontage requirement of 10 per cent of the parcel perimeter for the proposed two-lot subdivision at 1956 Roberts Road.

New rates
Three readings and final adoption were given to the Myrtle Pond local area water system rates and regulations bylaw. Included in the bylaw are rates specified for water metering, residential, multiple residential and commercial recreation use. The increases in rates will be 10 per cent in 2024 and five per cent for each of the years from 2025 to 2028.

Seeking grants
At the May 21 finance committee meeting, directors heard presentations from several organizations seeking grants-in-aid for the first intake of the year. Those applying for grants-in-aid include: qathet Concert Band; Wild Ocean Whale Society; Lund Community Society; Texada Island Sandcastle Weekend; qathet Art Council; Texada Health Services Society; Townsite Jazz Festival; Everybody Deserves a Smile; Powell River Compassionate Friends; Texada Island Non-Profit Seniors Housing Society; Vancouver Island North Film Commission; and qathet Film Society.

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