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qathet Regional District briefs

Sending letter regarding Tis'kwat; Supports some Connected Coast internet locations; Seeking funds for extreme temperature risk study; Approves transit agreement; Conducting Savary Island landslide assessment
CORRESPONDENCE WRITTEN: Qathet Regional District is sending a letter in support of Tla'amin Nation's application for funding to help build the nation's capacity to plan for potential new natural resource business opportunities at Tis'kwat.

Sending letter

qathet Regional District (qRD) board has voted in favour of sending correspondence in support of Tla’amin Nation’s application for funding from Natural Resources Canada’s Indigenous natural resource partnerships program.

In draft correspondence presented to regional directors at the qRD June 28 board meeting, it stated that if successful, grant funding will help build Tla’amin Nation’s capacity to plan for potential new natural resource business opportunities at Tis’kwat, which is the former site of the Catalyst Paper Tis’kwat mill.

The letter stated qRD believes Tla’amin Nation’s plans for transitioning Tis’kwat into a centre for clean energy, sustainable food production, and value-added forest products exemplify the goals of the Indigenous natural resource partnerships program.

“The qRD believes this project will empower the Tla’amin Nation and will showcase their leadership and innovation in managing a large industrial site and service,” the letter stated.

Supports project

Regional district directors support the Connected Coast project to improve internet connectivity to some areas of the qRD. Directors supported landing sites at Saltery Bay, and at Van Anda, Lang Bay and Stillwater, with the conditions of providing appropriate signage to outline the duration of the construction at the sites, and that the applicant ensure minimum disturbance to the foreshore and coastline during installation. The letter will be sent to the ministry of forests, which was the provincial referring agency.

Directors will advise the ministry of forests that the qRD does not support the applications submitted for Myrtle Point, Barney’s Bar and Brew Bay based on conflict with the regional district’s beach access trails.

The Connected Coast project has the potential to improve internet connectivity to 139 communities along the BC coast, from north of Prince Rupert, to Haida Gwaii, south to Vancouver and around Vancouver Island, with 3,400 kilometres of subsea fibreoptic cable.

Endorses application

The board has endorsed an application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ 2023 community emergency preparedness fund extreme temperature risk mapping and assessment and planning for the qathet region. The board also endorsed carrying out the proposed project collaboratively with Tla’amin Nation and the City of Powell River with qRD carrying out overall grant management for this project.

The grant funding provides up to $30,000 per eligible application, therefore a regional collaboration between the three governments may provide up to $90,000 for the proposed project. Following the 2021 heat dome event, the province created the funding stream to support eligible applicants to ensure they have accurate knowledge of the risks associated with extreme temperatures.

Signing approved

Approval has been given for signing of the BC Transit annual operating agreement for 2023-2024. According to a staff estimate, total costs for the 2023 calendar year will be $163,415.

Conducting study

The regional district will be contracting Tetra Tech Canada Inc. to complete a landslide assessment study for Savary Island with a total contract value of $20,500.