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qathet Regional District briefs

Endorses FireSmart program application; Approves qathet Museum expense; Recommends wood smoke reduction program

Endorses application
qathet Regional District’s board has endorsed an application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) 2025 community resiliency investment program, FireSmart community funding and supports, to support the qathet regional FireSmart program.

At the February 26 regional board meeting, the board also voted to endorse qRD providing overall grant management of the program.

According to a staff report, UBCM's community resiliency investment funding will provide up to $150,000 per year for eligible FireSmart activities. This amount has been anticipated in the 2025-2029 financial plan within the regional emergency preparedness service budget. 

Beginning in 2017, qRD's regional emergency preparedness service has received grant funding through UBCM's community resiliency investment fund in support of the regional FireSmart program to develop and deliver FireSmart supports throughout the qathet Regional District. 

Approves expenditure
The board has approved an expenditure of $5,000 for computer equipment for qathet Museum and Archives Society. The expenditure will come from the heritage conservation service budget.

Offers program
At the February 26 qRD committee of the whole meeting, directors voted to recommend to the board that qRD offers the provincial community wood smoke reduction program in 2025 with rebates available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The cost of the program in 2025 is budgeted to be $25,000, with $20,000 coming from BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy grant funding and $5,000 from taxation through the solid waste management service. According to a staff report, since 2019, the region has provided rebates for a total of 155 wood stove removals and replacements. 

Recommends partnership
The committee is recommending to the board that the regional district enter into a one-year partnership with Synergy Foundation for its 2025 circular economy accelerator program and contribute $5,000 from the waste management service to support this work in the qathet region. In correspondence, Synergy Foundation requested partnership and a financial contribution to support the foundation’s work in waste reduction in qathet.

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