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qathet Regional District approves funding for innovation hub

Hub can provide working space for about 15 people
qathet Regional District

A $5,000 grant has been approved by qathet Regional District for the Powell River Creative Economy and Innovation Initiative.

At the Wednesday, September 18, regional board meeting, the board passed a motion to provide funds toward the costs associated with the development of operations and programming for the entrepreneurial ecosystem development program.

In a presentation to the qathet Regional District committee of the whole on September 5, City of Powell River director of economic development and communications Scott Randolph said there was a slight funding shortfall of about $5,000 for the innovation hub and co-working space that is being created.

The initiative has secured space above Powell River Public Library. Plans are to open the doors in mid-October. The space can provide for a membership of 30 to 40 and working space for about 15.