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Presentation shows community support

Agency representatives travel to Victoria to bid on contract
Presentation shows community support

by Laura Walz [email protected] Three community organizations worked together to put in a bid on a contract to run a new provincial employment program.

On April 1, 2012, the ministry of social development is introducing a new “one door” approach to its employment services. The new BC Employment Program is consolidating provincial and federal services and condensing 400 service providers into 73.

Career Link, Powell River Model Community Project for Persons with Disabilities and Community Futures Powell River have put in a bid together to run the employment program in Powell River. “It’s a competitive process that we applied for way back in May,” said Lyn Adamson, Career Link program director.

Powell River’s bid has made it through to stage three and Adamson and others are making a presentation today, September 21, in Victoria.

“We’ve been really excited by the community support that we’ve had to help us with our presentation,” said Adamson. “To try to make our presentation feel a bit more Powell Riverish, we’ve put together a song that the men’s choir has sung for us and we’re putting together a number of different vignettes and photos to show community support.”

Quality Foods brought over the S.S. Minnow to include in a video shoot. The Minnow is one of three original boats used in the Gilligan’s Island television series. “We’re darn excited to be able to take some photos aboard it and demonstrate to the government just how much some of our local employers are really in support of Career Link, model community and community futures and the services that we provide,” said Adamson.

The government is giving out 73 contracts throughout the whole province and Powell River’s will be one of the 73. “We don’t know if we have any competition for it, but we’re going to try to put on a great presentation just to be sure,” said Adamson.

The song members of Powell River Academy of Music’s Choir Musica sings is set to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme song. The presentation also includes photos and video of City of Powell River Mayor Stewart Alsgard. “We really appreciate all the support,” said Adamson. “It’s just been lovely having everybody stand behind us as we go through this process.”