Councillor of Powell River councillor Trina Isakson made two notices of motion at a meeting on March 21.
The first was regarding C3 forums in which the city, Tla’amin Nation and qathet Regional District participate. The notice of motion calls for council to participate in C3 meetings as relationship building and learning gatherings, and in cases where discussions that advance decision making among member governments are required, that those discussions are made in duly called meetings of city council.
The second notice of motion was that council appoint three members of council to an intergovernmental protocol working group intended to gather regularly with elected representatives from Tla’amin, with an initial purpose to develop terms of reference for such a working group, including working on recommendations to update Community Accord protocols, to be brought back to council for deliberation and potential adoption.
Isakson will be bringing the motions forward at a future meeting.
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