City of Powell River Council is supporting the extension of temporary expanded service areas (TESA) to October 31, 2021.
At the October 15 city council meeting, councillors reviewed correspondence from the liquor and cannabis regulation branch (LCRB) regarding TESAs. The correspondence stated that in order to continue to support the hospitality industry in maintaining operations while complying with orders from the provincial health officer related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the province has made amendments to the liquor control and licensing regulations to allow for the extension of TESAs, such as patios.
Councillor CaroleAnn Leishman said due to COVID-19, the province wanted to continue to allow physical distancing opportunities to allow establishments with liquor licences to expand their service areas to outdoor patios. The initial opportunity was set to expire on October 31, 2020, so Leishman said council’s endorsement would expand the regulation until October 31, 2021.
Councillor Rob Southcott said he was glad to see this extension.
“It’s an initiative that supports our local businesses, particularly in the food service and liquor service industries that were really struggling when COVID-19 hit,” said Southcott. “I’m glad to see this continue. It has worked out very well so far.”
LCRB correspondence stated that it would be reaching out to local governments to confirm support of approved TESA authorizations in their jurisdictions prior to extensions being granted. To limit the risk of disruptions for licensees, the local government had to confirm support or objection for extension of TESA authorizations in its jurisdiction with the LCRB by October 16.