This is a critical time in history. If you asked me five years ago if I saw myself running for public office, I would have said no. Today is different.
I know that we all want more out of the democratic bodies that govern us, and I no longer see it as someone else’s job to do. If I want a world and a government that listens, has honest conversations, and makes decisions truly based on what people need, then participating in governance is also my job. This is why I am running for school board.
Our child poverty rate is higher than the provincial average. Children and youth are in critical need of mental health support.
We are on the way forward in a good way, and the potential for an honest and genuine relationship with the Tla’amin Nation exists, but we are not there yet.
Governance is a difficult job. I am grateful for the dedication current and previous board members have demonstrated.
Together we create the world we want. As a cisgender white male, it is not my time to stand up and tell people what they need and want. It is not my time to continue to reap the benefits of my privilege. As a son, father, community connector and advocate for social change with diverse experience with youth and social service agencies, I will listen and strive for equity and integrity on all levels.
Our children and grandchildren are counting on us.
~ Rob Hughes
The upcoming Powell River Board of Education school trustee by-election will be held on April 24. Polling stations at Kelly Creek Community School, Westview Elementary School and James Thomson Elementary School will be open from 8 am to 8 pm.
There will also be advanced voting on April 14 and 21 at the school board office, 4351 Ontario Avenue, also between 8 am and 8 pm.
For more information, go to or contact chief election officer Cathy Greiner at 604.485.7744, or [email protected].