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Powell River Academy of Music requests change to grant-in-kind

Contribution agreement adjusted for Kathaumixw regarding use of city facilities
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REFLECTS CHANGES: Powell River Academy of Music has a contribution agreement with City of Powell River for an annual cash grant of up to $15,000 and a grant-in-kind for use of city facilities the academy wanted adjusted to reflect use in years it hosts International Choral Kathaumixw.

City of Powell River Council approved an amendment to the contribution agreement with Powell River Academy of Music to provide cash and in-kind support for the International Choral Kathaumixw festival.

At the June 22 city council meeting, director of properties, development and communications Scott Randolph said a request had been received from the music academy regarding its agreement that commenced January 1, 2016.

“The request is in regard to the grant-in-kind that is provided through that agreement,” said Randolph. “They have asked for a change to reflect the changes in fees that we’ve charged over the years. They have increased since we entered into this agreement in 2016. They’ve asked us to make some slight amendments.”

Randolph said currently, the agreement allows for an annual grant-in-kind for use of city facilities, having a value up to $25,000 for the Kathaumixw festival, or such other events that the city deems appropriate.

“What has been proposed to change is to reflect changes in use and the fees we’ve been charging,” said Randolph. “The proposal is for an annual grant-in-kind for city facilities having a value of up to $40,000 in years that the festival is held and a value of up to $10,000 in years that the Kathaumixw festival is not held.

“This takes into account Kathaumixw does run programming in off years. They have their main festival one year and the next year they do have actual programming that runs, making use of city facilities, but not as heavy as they would during the festival.”

Randolph indicated that through the existing agreement, the academy of music grant-in-kind is $25,000 per year, or $50,000 per two-year cycle. The proposal considered by council was for a $40,000 grant-in-kind for 2023 and a $10,000 grant-in-kind in 2023, for $50,000 for the two-year cycle. This would have neutral financial impact over the two years, said Randolph.

Councillor Trina Isakson said because there is neutral financial impact, and it is an in-kind contribution the academy is looking at adjusting, it is an easy yes for her.

A motion to make the revision as outlined by Randolph passed unanimously.