Powell River RCMP are asking for public assistance in trying to stem a rash of backcountry theft and vandalism.
The primary target has been heavy forestry or road building equipment parked in the backcountry and has included windows smashed and radios taken, loose tools, tires, shovels, fire extinguishers and diesel fuel being stolen.
“A lot of people use the backcountry so we’re asking that people keep watch for anything suspicious and pass it along to the police,” said Powell River RCMP Constable Chris Bakker.
Police have met with representatives from the ministry of forests, lands and natural resource operations, and the logging companies to talk about what has happened.
“They talked about what was stolen and what the costs are,” said Bakker. The costs have been adding up for companies who have lost expensive items like logging truck tires or had equipment damaged, he said.
Ken Mackenzie is the operations manager at Western Forest Products, one of about half a dozen logging companies that have been hit.
“We’ve had a real rash of thefts over the past few years,” said Mackenzie. “We’ve had instances of people starting equipment up and driving it off the road or picnic tables and outhouses at our recreation sites being cut up and wrecked. Our employees are at risk of getting hurt if someone damages their equipment or steals their tools.” The fuel thefts are a big problem, he said. Mackenzie explained that this year on E-branch near Lois Lake they had a rock truck run away on a driver because it ran out of fuel on a steep hill and lost its braking systems.
“It was directly related to having fuel stolen,” he added. “The operator was fine but he could have been badly injured. We don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
At the meeting the police and contractors talked about where and when the thefts were happening and some strategies to stop future ones from occurring.
Anyone with information on these or any other crimes is asked to call Powell River RCMP at 604.485.6255 or CrimeStoppers at 1.800.222.TIPS (8477).