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North Island – Powell River MP urges support for veterans

Rachel Blaney says that women who have served in the armed forces deserve better treatment
FIXES NEEDED: North Island – Powell River MP Rachel Blaney stood up in question period in the House of Commons and asked the minister of defence for women veterans to be better served by the government.

NDP veterans affairs critic, North Island – Powell River MP Rachel Blaney, rose in parliament on November 9, for the second time this week, to urge the government to offer better supports for women veterans.

According to a media release, Blaney stated that despite risking their lives to protect the country, there’s almost no understanding of the experiences women veterans have had. In the spring, Blaney opened a study into the lived experiences of women veterans’ treatment of injuries, physical and mental health issues, professional and economic life challenges as a step to fix this issue, the release stated.

Blaney added that New Democrats are committed to fight for recognition and respect for women veterans who have sacrificed so much for Canada.

The following are Blaney’s questions in the House of Commons: “When women were invited into all military occupations in 1989 and submarine services in 2001, they entered an environment not made for them. Trailblazers, these women endured through discrimination and lack of support. The physical and mental outcomes they dealt with were not documented. Now, as veterans, they are often underserved because of lack of documentation. When will this government honour women and make it right?”

Blaney’s second question was: “Women veterans will be attending commemoration services this week. Many of them will be asked if the medals they are wearing belonged to their husband, or their son, or their father. Too often, they feel invisible and diminished, when they should feel acknowledged and respected for their service. This must change. Will the minister commit today to ensuring the participation of women veterans in Remembrance Day commemoration this year?”

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