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North Island – Powell River MP supports Ukraine legislation

Rachel Blaney says she was proud and happy to vote in favour of free trade agreement
INCREDIBLY MOVED: North Island – Powell River MP Rachel Blaney says she is pleased to have supported a free trade agreement with Ukraine in the House of Commons but was perplexed by Conservative opposition to the agreement.

North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney has stated that she was proud and happy to vote in favour of the new Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement last week.

In a media release, Blaney stated that while the NDP and many other members of parliament voted in favour of the new agreement, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and the entire Conservative Party either voted against the agreement or chose not to vote.

“I was thinking of all the tremendous people in our riding who are working so hard to support Ukraine,” stated Blaney. “I’ve been incredibly moved by their actions. They are sending supplies and they are sponsoring and supporting refugees in our community. They are giving so much of themselves. That’s why it’s so important to me to vote in favour of the agreement.”

Blaney stated that the Conservative Party’s refusal to vote in favour of the agreement lets Ukraine down, as the country continues its fight against Russian president Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion. She added that she’s puzzled that the Conservatives have given incorrect statements about the carbon pricing provision as a reason for voting against the free trade agreement.

“It is very confusing to me that Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives would vote against this trade agreement with Ukraine when they also say they support free trade with Ukraine,” stated Blaney. “I’m baffled that the Conservatives would turn their back on Ukrainians and Ukrainian Canadians at such a difficult time.

“Since the beginning of the illegal invasion in Ukraine, New Democrats have supported the Ukrainian people every step of the way. This includes our approval of a modernized Canada-Ukraine trade agreement, which is vital to helping Ukraine as it defends against Russia.”

Blaney stated that Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives have a lot of explaining to do.

“All parties involved in the agreement have stated that the carbon pricing provision is not an issue, so why is the Conservative Party choosing to make it one as an excuse for not voting yes to the agreement?” asked Blaney. “The people of Ukraine and Canadians deserve an honest answer.”

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