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Lasqueti reaches for potential

Grant will increase Internet bandwidth for islanders

By May of this year, Lasqueti Island should have secure, faster Internet service.

A grant of $20,000 from Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) will bring infrastructure upgrades. It will also provide permanent headquarters for Lasqueti Internet Access Society (LIAS), a voluntary group which, since 2007, has been providing broadband Internet to islanders.

In a recent ICET press release, trust chair Phil Kent said, “Over time, increased demand has created a bandwidth deficit on Lasqueti. We know that communities need reliable Internet for businesses to remain competitive, to attract residents and tourists, and to promote development.”

LIAS submitted the grant, proposing the upgrade to secure the economic future of the island. It is partnering with Lasqueti Last Resort Society to create a new service building beside the new health centre complex. LIAS will use the second floor as a permanent facility, accommodating its equipment and a technician.

LIAS will be increasing the community’s bandwidth, upgrading backup charging systems and replacing tree mounts with metal towers.

“With Lasqueti’s off-grid situation and rugged terrain, we had to rely on grant funding and volunteer hours to build our current Internet service,” said Willy Clark, LIAS director. “Like the rest of the world, use of smartphones and devices has increased the demand for Internet bandwidth. Our island attracts a younger demographic of families, small business owners and remote workers, so reliable Internet access is essential to retain and attract them in order to sustain and grow our economic opportunities.

The provincial government established ICET with a $50 million endowment in 2006 with a goal of helping to diversify economies of central and northern Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast.