Powell River’s Knights of Columbus have been generous again toward Powell River Action Centre Foodbank.
The organization recently sponsored a new donation bin for Quality Foods, where shoppers can drop food items without worrying about them being taken by people other than food bank representatives.
Knights of Columbus grand knight David Formosa said the donation bin is the second one that the Knights have provided. The first one was set up at Save-On-Foods and Formosa indicated it has made a huge difference in retrieving donated food.
Knights of Columbus has also donated 76 new winter coats that are wind and rain proof to give out to people in need.
“The Knights of Columbus have stepped up to the plate again this year,” said Powell River Action Centre Foodbank manager Savanna Dee. “They increased their donation of coats for children and teens. There was such a need last year that we ran out, so we kindly thank them for helping support their local community with such a gift.
Dee said the food bank is buckling under the strain of new clients.
“It has been a landslide of new people needing all kinds of help,” said Dee. “With visits doubling since 2019, and with no food for the table, many people parents cannot afford a new coat for their children. This is more than 30 per cent of the people we feed and to me, it’s unacceptable.”
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