Organizations across the province are recognizing unsung heroes during Volunteer Week, April 10 to 16.
ICBC (Insurance Corporation of BC) reports that in 2010, Speed Watch volunteers in Powell River contributed approximately 55 hours to help reduce speed-related crashes. Volunteers use radar and speed-reader boards supplied by ICBC to show drivers how fast they’re actually travelling. Over 70 per cent of drivers travelling 10 kilometres an hour over the speed limit slow down when they see a speed-read board.
In 2010, Lock Out Auto Crime volunteers in Powell River handed out close to 200 notices to drivers to draw attention to the risk of auto theft. Volunteers place notices resembling parking tickets on the windshields of vehicles, many with garage door openers or valuables in sight, offering the owners common sense tips for preventing auto theft.
These volunteers also operate the Stolen Auto Recovery program in Powell River, and in 2010 they scanned nearly 1,000 licence plates to help identify stolen vehicles.
BCSPCA also recognized its volunteers in Powell River. The branch cared for 312 animals last year. Volunteers walk dogs, foster kittens, cuddle cats, clean animal habitats, fundraise, organize special events, create promotional materials and perform dozens of other tasks.
Powell River has thousands of volunteers who contribute untold hours to make this a better community.