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Financial plan amendment bylaw adopted by Powell River Council

Amended budget shows a total of $63.1 million
Powell River City Hall.

A bylaw to amend the City of Powell River 2024 five-year financial plan was adopted at the March 20 council meeting.

The amended budget shows $24.5 million in property taxation, $307,683 in flat taxes, $195,798 in grant-in-lieu taxes, $233,883 in utility company operating fees, $2.6 million in parcel taxes, $12.7 million in fees and charges, $18.8 million from government transfers, and $3.9 million from other revenue, for a total of $63.1 million.

Expenses in the amended 2024 budget show $8.2 million in general government services, $8.4 million in protective services, $7.1 million in transportation services, $1 million in environmental and health, $5.8 million in environmental development, $7.4 million in parks, recreation and culture, $2 million in water utility, $3 million in sewer utility, $1.2 million in fiscal services debt interest and $4.5 million in amortization and accretion, for total expenses of $48.5 million.

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