Week of April 5 to April 11, 2011
Total calls for service = 85
Impaired driving = 5
Assaults = 5
Break and enters = 3
Thefts = 6
Mischief = 5
1. April 6
4800 block Saskatchewan Avenue
Police received a report of theft from owners of a parked vehicle, which had happened sometime during the previous night. An Apple MacBook Pro laptop was taken from the vehicle, valued at approximately $1,800. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to please contact Powell River RCMP at 604.485.6255 or CrimeStoppers at 1.800.222.8477 (TIPS).
2. April 8
4400 block Joyce Avenue
Police responded to a complaint of an intoxicated male at a business. The 21-year-old male was located inside the business. He was arrested, and lodged for the night until he was sober. The male was released without charges the next morning.
3. April 10
7200 block Barnet Street
Police responded to a complaint of motor vehicle collision. The driver and passenger were located near the vehicle. The 19-year-old female driver showed signs of impairment. A breath test was then obtained from the driver which registered a fail. The driver was issued a 90-day prohibition under the Motor Vehicle Act.