Supports Coast Guard station: City staff are examining a proposal from Canadian Coast Guard to develop the old barge facility site at 4315 Marine Avenue into a new Coast Guard Search and Rescue operations centre.
Staff will advise the coast guard in the new year of the city’s requirements to approve the project, though council expressed support for the idea in principle.
Approves sign project funds
City of Powell River council approved $48,750 for funding the second phase of a sign-renewal project at its Thursday, December 17, meeting. Phase two will replace and refresh a variety of signs within the community and rural areas. The project, carried out by Tourism Powell River, is upgrading signs at Little River, Earls Cove and Westview ferry terminals, those identifying Powell River’s neighbourhood and at trailheads at Duck Lake and Sunshine Coast Trail.
Willingdon Beach upgrades
Council supported the redevelopment of the logger sports area at Willingdon Beach Park and approved submitting a $50,000 funding application to Powell River Community Forest for the project.
Approves lake float
Council approved a request to Powell River Community Forest for $50,000 to construct a fishing platform on Cranberry Lake. The project will be added to the city’s 10-year capital project plan.
Assesses trees for carbon credits
A certified carbon-scoping consultant will be hired to audit the trees at Millennium Park. Council approved $5,000 for the project that will measure the forest carbon offsets in relation to the trees saved from harvest when the city bought them from Island Timberlands. The results can then be used to meet the city’s Climate Action Charter commitments.
Appoints library board
Council approved Powell River Public Library board reappointments of Jon van Oostveen, Ken Greenwell and Chloe Smith each for two-year terms, and councillor Rob Southcott for a one-year term, all commencing January 1. The library board is comprised of city and regional district appointments.
Council approved a number of city bylaws at its meeting on Thursday, December 17, including its five-year financial plan, sewer users rate, sewer treatment and disposal system, sewer collector system and waterworks regulations and rates bylaws.