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Council Briefs: April 2, 2014

Mezzanine on hold Powell River Kings Hockey Club Society will have to wait for a mezzanine at Hap Parker Arena in Powell River Recreation Complex.

Mezzanine on hold

Powell River Kings Hockey Club Society will have to wait for a mezzanine at Hap Parker Arena in Powell River Recreation Complex.

After structural designs and initial plans were drafted in hopes of proceeding with construction, City of Powell River council opted to shelve the project at its committee of the whole meeting, March 20.

The preliminary architectural and structural design drawings highlighted a glass-enclosed mezzanine area with approximately 70 theatre-type seats. Due to recent changes to the building code, however, the installation of a fire sprinkler system within the entire arena is required before the mezzanine can be constructed.

Chief administrative officer Mac Fraser stated, in a city report, that the new code would greatly increase the total overall project cost and put construction of the mezzanine out of reach.

The society initially lobbied Powell River Community Forest board and city council for a grant of approximately $290,000.

The society entered into an agreement with the city in June 2012 for a cash grant of $88,440 from the original $290,000 to produce plans in accordance with BC Building Code requirements. However, as the design and building permit application were stalled, only $66,000 was paid out for preliminary drawings.

Council opted to proceed at a later date, contingent upon funding.

Poetry challenge

City of Regina has challenged communities across Canada to take part in the 2014 Mayor’s Poetry Challenge.

In 2013, Michael Fougere, mayor of Regina, issued the first poetry challenge to mayors across Canada, including Powell River. More than 30 communities from Victoria to St. John’s Newfoundland took part and had a local poet read a poem at the start of a council meeting. Fougere issued a challenge for the 2014 year in hopes of building on that success. Council will proclaim April as National Poetry Month at its April 3 meeting.