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Council briefs: Approves support for Nav Canada appeal

Approves support for Nav Canada appeal At its Thursday, June 2, meeting, City of Powell River council approved a $500 contribution to assist District of North Saanich in its court battle with the federal government over municipal property taxes at ai

Approves support for Nav Canada appeal

At its Thursday, June 2, meeting, City of Powell River council approved a $500 contribution to assist District of North Saanich in its court battle with the federal government over municipal property taxes at airports. Nav Canada, a federal corporation with a monopoly over navigation services at the country’s airports, is appealing a February BC Court of Appeal decision on the issue of assessed property values for control towers. Since 2011, Nav Canada has paid more than $17,000 in municipal property taxes for the control tower at Powell River Airport.


Approves boiler replacement funds

Council approved an additional $86,000 from the city’s federal gas tax reserve fund to pay for boiler replacements at a number of city-owned buildings, including Dwight Hall. The contract has been awarded to Burnaby-based Davidson Brothers Mechanical Contractors Ltd.


Supports Alberta wildfire victims

Council approved donating $500 to benefit residents of Fort McMurray who have been displaced due to the wildfire disaster.


Approves development variance permit

Council approved development variance permit 193 to allow the city to relax works and services requirements for the construction of a single-family home on Gordon Avenue.


Approves naming contest

Council approved a naming contest for the newly constructed amphitheatre at Willingdon Beach. Parks, recreation and culture department will manage the contest.