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Colourful varied thrushes have made their way to qathet

Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society sees uptick in injured birds this past week

The varied thrush is a colourful orange and black bird, with a distinct winter call, which has been spotted in the woods, and more unusually, in urban areas of qathet this past week.

Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society (PROWLS) made the following statement on social media: 

"We have had numerous calls over the past week to rescue them after they have hit windows," stated PROWLS. "We have some in our care and unfortunately some of their window collisions were fatal."

So, why are we seeing so many varied thrushes around town now?

"The recent bad weather, deeper snow and hard frost back in the forests has resulted in limited food for them in those areas," stated a PROWLS volunteer. "This has forced them down into town, where they can find food and unfrozen water." 

According to the Cornell Lab, All About Birds website, thrushes will be looking for and eating insects, pyracantha berries and rose hips, and visiting people's backyard feeders.

Another tip from the Cornell Lab, to help varied thrushes out in the winter months, plant native to BC fruiting shrubs as a way to attract them to a yard. 

To hear what a varied thrush sounds like in the winter, go to

According to a PROWLS volunteer, thrushes also like suet and peanut butter balls. 

"Don't hesitate to call [PROWLS] if you have one needing our help. Put it in a box, keep it in a warm place and we will be happy to come by and pick it up."

To contact PROWLS, call 604. 483.9787.

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