Remuneration and expenses for City of Powell River elected officials and staff fell in 2012 compared to the previous year.
According to the statement of financial information for 2012, the number of city employees earning more than $75,000 decreased from 57 in 2011 to 36. In 2010, there were 34 employees who received over $75,000.
The high number in 2011 was mainly due to the dissolution of the CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) sick bank, which resulted in a one-time payment to qualifying employees. In 2011, city officials paid out almost $1.2 million in sick bank credits to 45 CUPE members.
The total remuneration for employees earning more than $75,000 dropped from $5.6 million in 2011 to about $3.5 million in 2012. Expenses for employees earning over $75,000 decreased as well, falling from $78,986 in 2011 to $57,829 in 2012.
The total remuneration to employees in 2012 was about $10.3 million, a decrease from $11.5 million in 2011. Total employee expenses decreased as well, falling from $223,547 in 2011 to $157,003 in 2012.
City councillors received $135,992 in 2012, a 2.3 per cent increase over the 2011 total of $132,879 in remuneration. Council expenses were nearly the same in 2012, at $36,561, compared to the 2011 total of $36,289.
Mayor Dave Formosa claimed the most in expenses, $9,482, down from his 2011 total of $11,532. Among councillors, Chris McNaughton had the second highest expenses in 2012, $6,476, and Debbie Dee had the third highest, $5,997.
Maggie Hathaway was fourth, with $4,315 and Myrna Leishman fifth, with $4,297. Jim Palm had the second lowest total, at $3,124, while Russell Brewer had the lowest total, at $2,867.
Stan Westby, the city’s former chief administrative officer who left in July 2012, received $132,324 in remuneration and claimed $6,392 in expenses.
Lidstone and Company, the city’s legal firm, received $289,347 in 2012, more than double the amount it received in 2011, $142,069.