Replacing the Powell River Recreation Complex Evergreen Theatre’s lights will result in monetary savings.
At the May 21 City of Powell River Council meeting, councillors were asked to consider a motion to replace nearly 200 lights in the theatre with energy efficient LED illumination.
Councillor Jim Palm said the initiative was long overdue.
“We have to do some work on the Evergreen Theatre,” he said. “We are going to put some money toward that facility.
“I just want to mention that along with this contribution, our community forest announced at our last council meeting that they will be replacing the lower bowl seats in the theatre.”
Councillor Russell Brewer said payback on this investment is about two years. Three years out the city will be saving money.
Councillor CaroleAnn Leishman said the theatre’s current 1,000 and 1,500-watt bulbs cost a lot of money to illuminate.
“Changing them out for the LEDs is actually going to save money in a very short time,” she said. “It’s a perfect project for the community works fund.”
Council unanimously carried a motion that an expenditure of $17,760 be made to replace a total of 196 stage and theatre lights at the Evergreen, funded from the community works fund. The motion also stipulated that all heating, ventilation and air conditioning recommendations for the theatre be deferred for inclusion as part of the overall Recreation Centre Energy Audit.