Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each candidate the following question:
Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?
Here is the response from Robin Murray:
I love Powell River and the area. I have called this city home for 24 years now.
We came up here on a beautiful, blue sky sunny day and decided to move here after being in Vancouver for many years.
The outdoor recreation opportunities in the area were a huge draw for us as we loved to go hiking, camping and canoeing. The small town feel and friendliness is amazing to experience. And, the sunsets are incredible to watch from almost anywhere.
Over the past 24 years I’ve worked at a hotel for two years, Malaspina University-College for three years, I’ve been an independent contractor as a gardener/landscaper/house painter/handyman for 17 years and had a restaurant/catering business in the early days, too.
You can rest assured that I will stand up for you and all residents of Powell River to represent your views and concerns, whether it’s to do with being fiscally responsible, maintaining roads and infrastructure, supporting our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, keeping our neighbourhoods safe, and using common sense to look after our environment in sensible ways that doesn’t cause undue hardship on residents and the city.
Let’s keep Powell River amazing and prosperous for generations to come.
General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at prpeak.com/2022-civic-election.