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City of Powell River Council candidate: Rob Southcott

"We are in a world of many increasing challenges but we have what we need to find our way through them in these times of transformative change – each other." ~ Rob Southcott
Rob Southcott is seeking reelection to the City of Powell River Council table.

Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each candidate the following question:

Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?

Here is the response from Rob Southcott:

I was born and raised here; my grandfather came in 1914. He built houses in the Townsite until ’46.

My parents were both active in the community, as I have been all my life. I left after high school and was lucky to return here in 2006. I have sought to bring my interests: social, cultural, science, history, economics and spiritual into application to serve my community. 

I served as paramedic chief here for 10 years and before that was in small business in the Cariboo, and outdoor recreation.

I am unafraid of crises. I seek to help people work together, the only option I see for our future.

Our community’s ability to do just that strongly attracted me to return, and, so my son could grow up in this amazing community, too. “The village” was here for him.

We are in a world of many increasing challenges but we have what we need to find our way through them in these times of transformative change – each other.

I’m deeply grateful to be here again, asking for this opportunity to serve and represent you again.

General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at