Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each of them the following question:
Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?
Here is the response from Glenn Holstine:
I am ready and willing to step into the councillor’s seat and give a well meaning, positive contribution to municipal hall.
With my combined experience, I have a lot to offer to engage in debate and what is required for a fair and diplomatic outcome in our democratic process.
My main concern for this city is a new emergency services building that is 26 years overdue.
The current fire hall was a temporary building that was highly recommended for replacement in 1996. A seismic event would cause a structure failure which would be catastrophic for our emergency services response. The ambulance station is also in a compromised state.
Elder care/hospice is needing a very large undertaking of support so that our city is readily prepared for our aging population.
The youth of our region need more activities other than recreation options. Game room facilities with virtual and physical activities (pinball and pool tables) would be of great benefit. How about a drive-in theater?
As your representative as councillor, I will clearly be engaged with the democratic responsibility of listening and speaking on behalf of all voters.
Even if it is a truth you hate. Never will it be a lie you love.
General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at prpeak.com/2022-civic-election.