Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each candidate the following question:
Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?
Here is the response from George Doubt:
I am running for re-election and ask for your support.
I was an elected officer of the Telecommunications Workers Union. I was a local officer, then business agent. I was re-elected many times and served two three-year terms as national president.
My union duties included pension trustee, member of several corporate boards, BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, which led to involvement in federal, provincial, regional and municipal politics.
Duties on council included: chair of the finance committee; liaison to Tourism Powell River; municipal director on the qathet Regional District Board, chaired its finance committee; served on the Regional Hospital District board, North Island 911 Board, and Supportive Housing Community Liaison Committee.
I have been a member of the Wildwood Ratepayers since 2014.
I am running for re-election because I have the leadership skills, experience and clear understanding necessary to work collaboratively with the community and council to set goals and respond to the challenges that exist now and will arise in the future. I will provide the judgment needed for making decisions based on the best common interests of the residents of the community, equitably, inclusively and within an atmosphere of respect, kindness and optimism.
General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at prpeak.com/2022-civic-election.