Eighteen candidates have entered the race to fill six City of Powell River Council seats. The Peak asked each candidate the following question:
Why should voters choose you to be a City of Powell River councillor?
Here is the response from: Cathy Korolek:
I’m Cathy Korolek. The past three years have seen me commuting back and forth to Grand Forks fulfilling my council obligations. No more. I am here.
Appointed as director to Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, giving me insight to the workings of the regional district in conjunction with the city. Served as director of the WKB Hospital Board.
As regional district director, appointed to the Solid Waste Committee as well as the Boundary Services Committee.
I am also a voting director of the Grand Forks Public Library. Served as voting director for the Boundary Museum Society and a non-voting member of the Kettle River Watershed. Voting director, Economic Development.
Participated on the advisory board for the Boundary Food Hub. I am an active member of Rotary for almost 30 years.
Began a career of 23 years in banking, left to open Heart n’ Sole Quilts. Working for myself was often challenging.
I believe in encouraging small business, advocating for libraries, hospital, ambulance services, mental health and addiction programs. All this entails available and affordable housing. Ensuring the right to be safe and secure in your home.
I don’t have all the answers, however, I will work for you. Vote for me, I will be your voice.
General election day is October 15. Read all Peak election coverage at prpeak.com/2022-civic-election.