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Briefly: February 4, 2011

Coffee benefits Powell River residents may be benefiting more than they think from drinking coffee.

Coffee benefits

Powell River residents may be benefiting more than they think from drinking coffee. University of British Columbia food scientists have found that roasting coffee beans a dark brown produces antioxidant benefits linked to slowed aging.

Lead author Yazheng Liu, a masters student in the faculty of land and food systems, and co-author David Kitts, food science professor and director of the Food, Nutrition and Health program, are publishing their findings in a forthcoming issue of Food Research International.

The scientists analyzed the complex mixture of chemical compounds created during the browning process. They report that their tests show that browning coffee beans under high temperatures creates the antioxidants. Antioxidants aid in removing free radicals, the end products of metabolism which have been linked to the aging process.

They say previous studies suggest antioxidants in coffee could be traced to caffeine or chlorogenic acid found in green coffee beans. But their study found that coffee beans lose 90 per cent of their chlorogenic acid during the roasting process.

South harbour

Work on the south harbour expansion project was delayed for a few days due to equipment failure.

Richard Stogre, City of Powell River’s manager of engineering services, said Fraser River Pile and Dredge (GP) Inc. experienced a “significant engine breakdown” on Friday, January 28. The company attempted to have the engine repaired in town, but eventually had to send it down to Vancouver. It returned on Tuesday and work resumed on the project Wednesday afternoon.

Stogre said the delay will affect the schedule and he expects double shifting will continue in order to complete in-water work before the Fisheries and Oceans Canada deadline of February 15. “We’re working with the contractor to determine how it will impact the schedule,” Stogre said.

The $6.2-million south harbour project will almost double the size of the facility by adding a float system. The existing entrance will be closed and the breakwater will be extended. The existing breakwater between the barge facility and the harbour will be removed. The work is funded by a combination of grants from Western Economic Diversification Canada and Island Coastal Economic Trust, as well as borrowing.